Request: How to set up external access for your YAMS services

Share your cool custom guides for YAMS. A local VPN to access your server from outside your home? Maybe port forwarding for your media server?
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Request: How to set up external access for your YAMS services

Post by ronnoceel »

Hello all,

I would like to be able to access jellyfin/jellyseer from outside of my home network and share with my family who live across the country. I have tried hosting a DNS and did some Nginx Proxy manager configurations and got a mock domain setup working on my local network but of course this doesn't make it externally accessible. Those of you who have done this with YAMS, how did you go about doing it? I use proton VPN (with port forwarding) so I think I can do VPN tunneling? I get my internet through my apartment complex so I do not think I am able to request a static IP.

Any starter ideas and advice on this are appreciated (security concerns are especially appreciated).
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Re: Request: How to set up external access for your YAMS services

Post by rogs »

I'm using two solutions for this: CloudFlare tunnels and my own Wireguard VPN.

Basically, I use the CloudFlare tunnel for my non-technical family (I only run Emby trough it) and Wireguard for management (I can access my entire server from anywhere in the world)

I can work on a tutorial this weekend!
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Re: Request: How to set up external access for your YAMS services

Post by plinkum »

Did you ever get around to making this tutorial? I've been trying to allow external access to my media server for the past couple of evenings and have had very little success. I've tried setting up a cloudflare tunnel and then Nginx (multiple guides/times) and still haven't managed to get it working.

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Re: Request: How to set up external access for your YAMS services

Post by rogs »


No, I haven't had the time. If you are going to use cloudflare tunnels, you don't need to use NGINX. Just point your domain on the tunnel to the correct port in your server and you should be good to go! That's the easiest way, you don't need to configure anything other than the cloudflared binary on your server.

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