UnRaid installation tutorial.

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UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by joop339 »


YAMS has pretty much all apps that i use in a media server. So instead of finding, downloading en setting up everything manually on my new UnRaid server i decided to give YAMS a try.

Rogergonzalez21 asked me to do a little write-up so here we go!
Please do keep in mind that i'am actually very new to UnRaid and linux based systems in general so not everything i did is probably best-practise but it works.

I started by creating two shares in UnRaid, "media" and "yams"
within yams i created an extra folder called yams_installation.
media, settings, configs and the installer will be installed on these shares. Don't be stupid like me and try to use the default installation folders. These are stored in RAM and because of this completely wiped after a reboot.

I also had to download composer-manager from the community apps within UnRaid.

After that you open a terminal in UnRaid using the button on the top right. And follow the default installation instructions.
Clone the git repo to /mnt/user/yams/yams_installation and cd to that location.

The next step is to run bash install.sh. Here's your first hurdle.
The default installation checks what permissions the install is run with. Because of some safety features within UnRaid the terminal can only be run as root user. You can't create a new user. Because of this running bash install.sh will kick you out because you're using sudo permissions.

To fix this edit the install.sh using "nano install.sh"
Navigate down to the line where it checks for permissions something along the lines of "if[[$EUID = 0]] then send_error_message"
I just changed the 0 to 999
Exit and save (ctrl x then y)

run "bash install.sh" and continue following the installation steps from the website.

When asked to input your media directory input /mnt/user/media

That's basically it. When the installer is finished all docker containers automatically show up in the UnRaid dashboard and you can start getting everything setup.


I (@rogs) added the screenshots for better readability. I'll use those for the website tutorial!

Last edited by rogs on Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added screenshots for better explanations
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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by rogs »

This is absolutely fantastic! I can't thank you enough for this; I truly believe it's going to be a big help to many people!

If you don't mind, I'd love to share these instructions on the YAMS website and, of course, give you full credit for your incredible work!

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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by joop339 »


I hope it does help some people :). Even with these changes I still think it's easier and faster to use yams then installing everything yourself trough UnRaid.

Ofcourse you can post it! If you'd like some pictures or screenshots shoot me a DM on reddit.

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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by rogs »

Ok, I'll send you a Reddit DM. You can also join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/cpnAm2Mu or our Matrix space here: https://matrix.to/#/#yams-space:chat.rogs.me. Thanks!

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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by joop339 »

That discord link (and the one on your website) seem to be invalid.

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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by rogs »

joop339 wrote: Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:01 pm

That discord link (and the one on your website) seem to be invalid.

Oh crap. This one should work forever! https://discord.gg/Gwae3tNMST. Thank you for the report!

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Re: UnRaid installation tutorial.

Post by oleks »

thats what I was looking for! WIll try it. Thank you

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