im getting a compose error -need help

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im getting a compose error -need help

Post by ilco »

screenshot of the problem

i m trying to run the bash install script
and i am getting this error (invalid reverance format)
on my server during the set up -after ive enterd my preferences.

i made a seperate user named media and set its home folder to the recomended dir (/srv/media)
and added it to the docker user group

but every time i run the script it fails

ive made sure the user media is the owner of the folder and is not root enabled
is this a permission problem

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Re: im getting a compose error -need help

Post by rogs »

Hey ilco!

Why did you set your home folder as /srv/media? That's never mentioned in the docs.

Where did you clone the YAMS repository? It looks like you aren't running it in the correct location or with a user with the correct permissions. For some reason the env file is not being set up correctly.

Please, follow the installation docs closely! You should not have any problems:

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