I am tryng to install this and am stuck on the media directory part. I know my mount works, is mounted and accessible. I am using a QNAP and have set the 'Squash no users' part. The mount works fine in my host and other VM so I am happy it is mounted but I get the following error:-
'Directory not readable or writable. Check permissions'
I couldn't get this to work so tried set up SMB instead. Mount -ls shows my share as mounted and it even lists contents. Fstab entry also done and seems to be working. I am still getting the 'Directory "/mnt/Media" is not writable or readable. Check permissions" error. I'm at a loss!
The credentials I supplied to mount the share via SMB - the user def has read / write permissions. Should I create a user with my Debian VM to match those credentials? I currently use the same username but with a different password?
the above is the fstab entry. I then have a further file in /etc/samba named fsisal.cred which has my credentials on it. I know it has access because command 'ls -l /mnt/Media' shows me all the folders from the share.