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[Solvde] Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:53 pm
by smounse

Hello! Bit of a linux noob here but after a bit of head bashing getting drives formatted, user permissions sorted and fumbling through the basic commands eventually YAMS started to install. Yay! I thought, until it tried to start the YAMS services and fails with gluetun issue where it can't bind a host port as the address is already in use.

I'm using nordvpn, pretty sure credentials are correct and tried twice to be sure but got the same error:


Can any of you kind wizards please help me understand what's going on and how to resolve?

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 6:58 pm
by rogs

Hey @smounse!

The error is pretty self-explanatory. Read the end:

address already in use

You are running another service that is using port 8080. In YAMS, port 8080 is used for SABnzbd. Change the port for the app that is currently using port 8080 or manually change the port in Gluetun.



Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:13 pm
by smounse

Thanks Roger,

I'd figured something else was using that port with my unfamiliarity with Linux wasn't sure how to check what service was using the same port.

If you could be so kind as to explain or point me in the direction of how to change the ports it's be much appreciated!

Given these were presumably all default values set during the YAMS installation, why did it try and set them both to use the same port?

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:16 pm
by rogs

This doesn't seem YAMS related. Are you sure you aren't running anything else on that computer? Something else is definitely using port 8080

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:22 pm
by smounse

I think you're right. I've checked the ports in use and looks like the service 'python3' is using port 8080. I'm not sure what I installed that it's related to, but I'll do some self-learning and figure out how to change it! I appreciate the help and the timely response, if I get stuck again I'll report back!

P.S. I love cats too, mine are absolute little monsters but wouldn't change them for the world haha

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:27 pm
by rogs

One question, did you fail installing YAMS the first time? Maybe there's an old container still running and clogging port 8080.

Cats are the best. You just have to understand that they don't live with you; you live with them :mrgreen:

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:39 pm
by smounse

The first install failed because of the write permissions on the external HDD I'm using as the media drive. Once I got that sorted it seemed to install fine up until the point of starting YAMS where I got this issue.

I'll fumble around trying to figure out how to change the port one of the services are using, I'll get there eventually!

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 7:41 pm
by rogs

If you had a failed installation, you might have the old YAMS version still running. If you are 100% sure you are not running anything else in your host machine, remove all the docker containers and try installing YAMS again. That should fix all the issues

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 9:11 pm
by smounse

The YAMS CLI wasn't working (guess it didn't get far enough to install) soI'm going the nuclear option and just wiping and reinstalling Ubuntu and starting from scratch... Clearly I installed some service that was using that port when I was initially trying to get my head around things, and things I tried just failed to reassign the ports for either service. Fingers crossed 🤞

Re: Installation issue - Gluetun failed to bind host port

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2025 9:28 pm
by smounse

Success! Everything installed ok and YAMS CLI is working now too. However... Where do I find the yams_services.txt file? I tried to find in the expected directories but came up with nothing. I'm definitely being an idiot 😞