Make sure your UID and GID are correct and the user referenced has permissions to write on the mount.
Make sure your UID and GID are correct and the user referenced has permissions to write on the mount.
It was a permission issue for the root mount. I also had to recreate Sonarr in portainer for it work.
Do you remember what was done to get exFat working? I am currently trying to get exFat and MergerFS working with qBittorrent. All the other apps in this stack seem to have no issue with RW, but for whatever reason, qBittorrent downloads error out due to file permissions. If it's better for me to create a new thread, I can do that too. Thank you
Not really, you should format your drive to NTFS or EXT4
I was able to get exFat working, but not totally happy with how I accomplished it (security). Started moving 36TB MergerFS to ext4 this morning... Thank you